Ford part FINIS 6183084 Catalog Section # Part name Qty Prod Prod date FINIS Part No. Ford Transit MkIII (1985-1991) F1.10 - Engine & Trans.Suspension/Shields 14 Crossmember - engine mounting rearFOR VEHICLES UP TO 9 SEATSVersion: FT 100L, FT 130, FT 160, FT 190, FT 190 A0407 1 10/88 - 8/91 6183084 88VB 6A087 DB Ford Transit MkIII (1985-1991) F1.10 - Engine & Trans.Suspension/Shields FOR VEHICLES UP TO 9 SEATSVersion: FT 100L, FT 130, FT 160, FT 190, FT 190 A0407 - 6183084 Ford Transit MkIII (1985-1991) Z7.755 - Prep Pack Enhanced Traction Vehicle 3 〃 - 6183084